SFC - Sequential Folder Creator for Windows 95/98/NT4 This free utility enables the fast creation of multiple folders with a sequential numbering scheme, e.g. Disk1, Disk2, Disk3... Disk99 To install, extract all files to "C:\Program Files\SFC", and then double-click on the SFC.REG file to set it up. Now, just right click on a folder or drive icon in Explorer and select "Sequential Folder Create", then type in a folder name, and From & To numbers. This program is freeware. It may be used and distributed freely, as long as it is only distributed in it's origional compressed form. However, I retain the copyright. To remove it: 1) delete the "C:\Program Files\SFC" folder, 2) in Explorer go to View|Options|File Types 3) scroll down to "Folder" and double-click on it 4) click on "Sequential Folder Create" 5) click on Remove, then click on Yes to confirm 6) click on Close, then Close again Note: This program requires the VB5 run-times to run. It is not included as it is a large file (1.3MB). If you have Windows 98, then you already have it. If you do not already have it on your system, download it from http://support.microsoft.com/download/support/mslfiles/Msvbvm50.exe and put it in "C:\Windows\System" I make no guarantee that SFC is bug free. Use entirely at your own risk. If you like the program, please drop me a line to say so. (c) Matthew Boxall, 1998 sfc@mboxall.demon.co.uk http://www.mboxall.demon.co.uk